Runway excursions are the top category of runway related accidents and therefore a priority for the aviation industry. Although rarely resulting in loss of lives, an aircraft skidding of the runway will always lead to significant physical, economic and reputational damage. Accounting for almost a quarter (23%) of all airport incidents between 2005 and 2019 according to IATA, the relevance is clear.
ICAO introduced a new global regulation for all commercial airports in November 2021, to reduce the number of runway excursions. The GRF requires airports to produce a runway condition report (RCR) every time runway conditions change subject to weather. The condition can be dry, wet, snow, ice, or combinations thereof. By reporting the runway condition to the pilot in a globally standardised format, the pilot can better prepare for take-off and landing, improving safety.
When the Ministry of Infrastructure for the Dutch Caribbean islands of Bonaire and St Eustatius reached out to us to help them comply with the new regulations, we implemented our RCR-Tool©. The result is an automated process for runway inspection and reporting that increases runway safety whilst improving operational efficiency. This is due to accurate and real-time reporting with reduced need for outside runway inspections.
Under difficult circumstances, NACO provided a solution with their RCR-Tool© that sets a benchmark for runway condition reporting under the GRF format. Today, we can act quickly in the face of changeable conditions, and report accurately resulting in increased runway safety for airport personnel, passengers, and aircrews.”
“We’re proud to have implemented our RCR-Tool© in the Caribbean – proving the tool’s ability to meet the specific needs of different regions, climates, and airports. Our tool supports the digitalisation and automation of airport operations, while protecting staff and ensuring their time and energy can be utilised efficiently.”
– Pim Meyboom